Field Gear & Finery

Repair & Customization for backcountry and backstage

Offering custom repairs, modifications and alterations and specializing on on the extreme ends of the clothing spectrum.

I offer repair work on field gear— outdoor clothing or work wear, including technical fabric fixes and alterations. And for the finery— I offer fittings & custom work on ballet attire, costumes and ladies formal wear.

Having a life long obsession for all things fabric and fiber, Field Gear & Finery is an organically grown labor of love. My family is comprised of hardworking out-of-doors types and ballet-dancing, creative fashion loving entrepreneurs. Learning to repair and remake started as a frugal necessity and grew from there.

Repairing and remaking saves money and resources!

The price guide for winter season ’24-’25 is here

Reach out to discuss the particulars of your project.